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Oh threats of Hell and Hopes of Paradise!
One thing at least is certain--This Life flies:


I have chosen a passage from The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayam that tells us that we should not waste our lives and do everything to go to where we want. As an aspiring doctor, this passage caught my heart and inspired me to create this kind of website.


The first point of the passage tells us that there are two places that we may end up in; in hell or in paradise. According to Leviticus 24:17,” Anyone who takes the life of a human being is to be put to death.” That’s why it is up to us if we will use life in its true purpose. For me, the purpose of life is to follow God’s ways and obey his rules.


Being a doctor who will be helping others is what I believe my mission is. I dream to have that job and to have it requires a lot of time and hard work. Even if it needs a lot of years of studying, I will do everything for it and I know that I can because God chose it for me.


Another point is the emphasis of the fact that time really flies. As a follower of Christ, this tells me to be a good servant of the Lord. Life is His gift and I should use my days intelligently.


Lastly, the passage reminds us that we don’t live just to pay bills and die, we live to fulfill our mission specified by God. Our lives here on earth may end but we can continue living in His paradise but before that, we must learn to live through following His footsteps. 


I hope that "My Life, My Stories"  will inspire you to be brave, write your own  stories and share them too! LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST! SMILE! INSPIRE!


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