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Science and Travel


2016 Division Science Mega Quiz Bee for Grade 8- 3rd Place


2017 Division Science Mega Quiz Bee for Grade 9- 2nd Place


2018 Division Enviro-Quiz Bee for Grade 9-1st Place


2018 Regional YES-O Congress at Victorias City


2018 Regional YES-O Congress Team Enviro Quiz Bee- 2nd Place


Performing Spot test for Pandan Ink with my teammates, John Paul and Alec


2018 Division Science Congress at Kalibo Pilot Elementary School


GI Quiz at Silab Camp- 2nd Place


National Philhealth Quiz Bee District Elimination at Kalibo Elementary School


National Philhealth Quiz Bee District Elimination-1st Place


National Philhealth Quiz Bee Division Elimination-1st Place


National Philhealth Quiz Bee Division Elimination-1st Place

Ever since I was a little girl, I've dreamed of being a person wearing a white coat with a stethoscope hanging on her neck--a doctor. I enjoyed playing "doctor-doctoran" with my brother and friends using the toys my parents bought me. After going through the happy-go-lucky life of a child, my interest in academics became my drive in achieving good grades and making my parents proud. I've become one of the top students in our class. Back in elementary, people called me "the bright girl", this lifted up my confidence. I've joined some quiz bees but never won anything. All I thought about was that I'm very lucky to be chosen and trusted to represent our school. I excelled in writing and joined journalism contests and even reached the regionals. Sadly, I didn't earn a place. High School came, I wasn't expecting that I would still be that bright girl they were celebrating. I've thought that I will no longer have the chance to represent my new school and be on top but after the first quarter, my mindset changed. An elimination was conducted to find the most competent contestants for the Division Scilympics. I topped the test and was chosen to be the contender in the Mega Quiz Individual. And that started the 4 years of representing RSHS-VI in Science Quiz Bees. My love for the subject alleviated the stress and pressure I experience every time I prepare for each contest. Doing science-related activities brings out my confidence and motivates me to learn more and expand my knowledge. I've represented my school in the regionals since grade 7 and now, I pray that I will make it on top and be able to reach my goals in my last year as a junior high school student. Being a teenager, I realized many things about myself and one of them is that I have this God-given purpose of helping other people through my skills and talents. I believe firmly that every child deserves to grow up and prosper like me so with the utilization of the gifts He gave me by choosing a career in medicine, I will pursue this with all of my heart and might.

My Travel Photos

“Traveling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.”-  – Ibn Battuta


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