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“Let’s create an integrated global community where we have shared benefits and responsibilities and we don’t fight because of our differences.” - Bill Clinton

The world is our village, our only home. Every human being has a purpose. That’s why we exist in this world. We benefit from other people and other people benefits from us. Also, we do have responsibilities assigned for each one of us. Some may be hard but what’s important is that they strengthen our souls and personalities. If all of these are present and if everyone is functioning and doing well, communities can be integrated, forming a global community. Global community means having different people working together as one. But how can a Global community be possible if everyone still argues and fights because of differences? Why can’t people just accept the fact that we are all made differently by God? I believe that to make a difference in this world, one should be different and should not be afraid to stand out. We either choose to affect the world or let ourselves to be affected by the world. Put into mind that it is not our differences that divides us but it is our inability to recognize, to accept and to understand those differences. Ending discrimination acts will definitely strengthen our ties and make a global community possible

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